Dependable Shipping from FedEx, Unmatched Savings from PartnerShip

Through our unique alliance with FedEx, we’re able to provide your business with industry-leading discounts. Small and mid-sized businesses can enjoy competitive pricing that is typically reserved for high volume shippers - without any minimum shipping requirements. The discounts get added to your FedEx account and applied to your shipments automatically, so you can continue shipping with FedEx the same way you normally do - just with better pricing.

How to get started

When you sign up for the FedEx Advantage Program through PartnerShip, you’ll enjoy:

  • » Savings of at least 40% off FedEx Express services
  • » Savings of at least 25% off FedEx Ground and Home Delivery services
  • » Savings of at least 15% off residential delivery and delivery area surcharges
  • » Additional discounts based on your account needs

Get started by filling out a simple enrollment form. Our team will review your account and find the discount profile that most closely matches your needs. If you have an existing FedEx account, we will check to make sure the FedEx Advantage discounts are better than your current pricing before applying them to your account. There is no risk to enrolling!

Prefer to start with a rate comparison? Our experts will thoroughly evaluate your current UPS or FedEx invoices to determine how much our FedEx Advantage program could help you save. Email

The power of savings for your membership

PartnerShip works with over 120 trade associations, chambers of commerce, and buying groups to bring the FedEx Advantage discounts to members. Are you an association leader looking to bring a valuable member benefit to your organization that attracts members and improves retention? Look no further than our discount shipping programs. By incorporating our programs into your membership benefits, you can empower your members to save significantly on their FedEx shipping costs. Request a shipping program today.

Awards & Affiliations

Partner Name Truckstop NASTC BBB Smartway