What’s the Story Behind Your Business? FedEx Wants to Know
01/08/2015 — Leah Palnik
Every small business has a story. What’s yours? It could be worth $25,000.The third annual FedEx Small Business Grant Contest is accepting entries from Jan. 12 to Feb. 12, 2015, and the winners will split $75,000 in grants. Share your compelling business story for a chance to win one of 10 grants:
- A grand prize of $25,000
- One grant of $10,000
- Eight $5,000 grants
FedEx reviews every entry and chooses the winners based on several elements, including the number of votes received, compelling business story, social presence to develop your brand voice and how the grant money would be used in your business. That could mean any number of things: Do you have an innovative product unlike any other? A unique business structure, such as a family-run operation or a supply chain that empowers impoverished communities? If so, you could find yourself in the winner’s circle.
Here’s what you do:
- Start preparing now! Write a brief profile of your business, describing what you do, sell or offer; what inspired you to get into this business; what makes your business stand out; how it impacts you, your community or the environment; and how you would use the grant money.
- If you like, you may put together a one-minute elevator pitch video about your business.
- Enter online and upload your story, along with four photos, including one of your company logo, and the (optional) video, at fedex.com/grantcontest.
- After your entry is approved and the voting period begins, go to your profile page in the gallery and vote for your business by clicking the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram links. You can vote once per 24-hour period on each social platform.
- Encourage your friends, customers and associates to vote for you, too. The number of votes you receive is one factor FedEx will consider when selecting finalists and winners.
Remember these important dates
Mark these dates on your calendar so you don’t miss any deadlines or important news:
- Jan. 12–Feb. 12, 2015: Contest entry period
- Feb. 13–March 17: Voting period
- March 31: Top 100 finalists announced
- April 21: Winners announced
Learn more about the contest online, and return when you're ready to enter.
Get ideas and tips
Watch a short video featuring four contest winners and how they used the grant to grow their businesses.
Learn more about other past winners at the FedEx® Small Business Center. You can watch videos about the businesses, read about their biggest successes and lessons learned, and more.
And for help crafting a great entry for your own business, you can download a sample entry.
Vote for your favorite candidates
Even if you don’t enter the contest, you can still have fun with it. Read about and vote for businesses in the running, and see who wins, by going to fedex.com/grantcontest.
FedEx helps small businesses every day
You don’t have to enter a contest to enjoy savings. PartnerShip offers association members discounts on select FedEx® services. If you're not sure if you qualify for one of our small package shipping programs contact us and we'll find the solution that's right for you.