Meet Your PartnerShip Team – Laurie
05/21/2015 — Leah Palnik
Laurie has worked at PartnerShip for over four years and she’s passionate about helping our customers. She has a similar passion for life and has a very inspiring story to share. Read more about her and her story.
What do you do for PartnerShip?
Senior account representative – I sell!
What is the most interesting thing you’ve helped a customer ship?
I’m not sure how politically correct this is, but I had a customer quote a shipment of teat wipes with us. Those are moistened towelettes to clean off cow udders.
What do you like the most about working at PartnerShip?
I like the fact that no 2 days are alike. The shipments may range from musical instruments, to farm equipment, to toys and novelties and other items. I love TV shows like Shark Tank and The Profit so it makes me happy to know that we are helping small-medium sized businesses achieve success.
Tell us about your family.
I have been married to George for just over 13 years. We have the crazy cat lady starter kit of 3 cats (Whiskers, Grey, and Ali) and 1 goofy dog (Daisy).
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I am donating a kidney to my husband George on May 26th. He is my best friend, and I am so excited that I can help him with the gift of life. It’s absolutely amazing to me that I am the perfect match in more ways than one. With that being said, he will never be allowed to pick out a paint color or couch ever again :)
Do you have any nicknames?
My husband kiddingly calls me Pita – pain in the *ss.
What was the best vacation you ever went on? Why?
Puerto Rico is our favorite place to vacation. It’s warmer than Cleveland, we can drink the water, the beaches are gorgeous, the food is tasty (our favorite is lechon – roast pig), there’s lots of history (Christopher Columbus sailed into San Juan harbor in 1493) and the people are the nicest I have ever met on vacation. There is so much to do there – from rainforests to deserts – beaches to mountains – the snorkeling is unbelievable! And they make mean mojitos!
If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be? Why?
My mom – she just passed away on May 13th, and I’d give anything to know she’s OK and that she met up with my grandparents in heaven.
If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
We would go to Thailand and Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Angkor Wat is one of the largest temples in the world at one mile from end to end. They are still finding smaller temples in the jungle. It was featured in Lara Croft Tomb Raider. We love Thai cuisine and would like to visit some of the famous markets and temples there, ride elephants, and their beaches are gorgeous!
What is one of your proudest accomplishments?
My proudest accomplishments are my many happy customers. When they provide referrals to me, it shows how much they trust and appreciate my efforts.