What You Need to Know About Freight Class Changes
08/10/2017 — Jen Deming
Weight, density, distance, and freight classification are all important variables that help to determine your LTL freight rate. Periodically,the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) will update and rework these freight classes in order to keep up with industry changes when needed. One such change went into effect on August 5, 2017 and has adjusted the NMFC class breakdowns on several categories of freight shipments. What are these changes and how will they affect you as a shipper?
The most significant change is seen in the categories of LTL freight that are classed according to a shipment's density or pounds per cubic foot.Typically, the lower the density, the higher the shipment will be classed (and the higher your rate will climb). Commodities such as Plastic Articles (15660), Wire Goods (198080) and Clothing (49880) are affected by this freight class update in addition to 138 other density-based freight classes.
The good news for shippers is that the new 11-tier system will provide a lower freight class for LTL shipments that are VERY dense (over 22.5 lbs per cubic foot). If you are currently shipping loads that fall within this category, the lower freight class will potentially save you money going forward.
The other change affects mid-ranged LTL freight shipments with a class of 4-6 pounds per cubic foot previously set at class 150. With the new 11-tier breakdown, these shipments will be increasing to an updated class 175. Illustrated below, is the adjusted 11-tier classification system that will be replacing the former 9-tier model. Bold-faced density descriptions (subs) are the revised breakdowns.
It's important to mention that shippers with a FAK on certain types of commodities will also be affected. For example, if a shipper has been regularly shipping actual class 150 items at a FAK 100, and the density is 4-6 lbs per cubic foot, the shipment will now move at actual class 175 and the FAK will no longer apply.
What can shippers do to empower themselves and ensure they are doing the most they can to keep their LTL freight shipping costs low? At PartnerShip, you work directly with a dedicated freight specialist who will assist in calculating the accurate density of your shipments, and their proper freight class. Additionally, PartnerShip expertly audits your freight bills and will check for common invoicing errors, such as incorrect discounts and carrier mistakes—which cost your company money and affect your bottom line! If you are unsure on how to proceed with classifying your freight, or have a shipping challenge and don't know where to begin, PartnerShip can help point you in the right direction.