Cold Package Shipping with FedEx
10/20/2014 — Matt Nagel
By working with the most reputable carriers in the country, we are able to offer our customers many different services to fit their shipping needs. One of these services is Cold Shipping Package provided by FedEx. This temperature-controlled packaging system for shipping sensitive products across the country or around the world serves as a needed solution to many of our customers shipping food, medicine, or anything else that needs to stay cold during transit. The packaging technology uses a special cooling device to evaporate water over time, maintaining a constant 2–8°C environment inside the package for up to 96 hours.
The Cold Shipping Package from FedEx features:
- Smaller, lighter packaging that weighs less than half of some gel-pack systems, which translates into lower shipping costs and labor savings.
- No complicated gel packing instructions since there’s no fridge or frozen preparation or preconditioning required.
- Peace of mind knowing that your temperature-controlled shipments are in the custodial control of the secure FedEx® network.
- Reusable boxes (replacement cooling devices available), making shipping to and from events and tradeshows easy and cost-effective.
What cold shipping package sizes are available?
If you would like to learn more about cold shipping options available through FedEx, go to There you can order supplies, get more information about cold shipping solutions, and read real world success stories. Also, be sure to check out the short video below about Cold Shipping provided by FedEx.
To learn more about packaging options and best practices, download our free white paper: The Ultimate Guide to Packaging Your Shipments